Archive for October, 2015

Moving in on the Homeless

Posted in Telegraph Avenue, The Berkeley Scene on October 28th, 2015 by admin – Be the first to comment

by Steed Dropout
Oct. 27, 2015


'We’re just like you.' Photo by Ted Friedman.

They rolled up to People’s Park in two cars filled with clothing, which was scattered, each day, on the sidewalk alongside People’s Park.

The merry band of young off-the-road, fur-hatted itinerants made a monster mess with sleeping bags, cardboard, and assorted junk off-the-streets— across the street from the park.

Each day, they displayed a poster board, which referred to street theater, Ronald Reagan, and the 1985 Iran-Contras brouhaha.

Perhaps there was a backstory here.Only I never found out because they slipped out of Berkeley like lambs who arrived as Lions. Before I could interview them.
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Berkeley’s Caffe Mediterraneum Held Hostage by Department Store Film Crew

Posted in Med Heads & Cafe Culture, Telegraph Avenue on October 17th, 2015 by admin – Be the first to comment

by Steed Dropout
Oct. 17, 2015

Biggest film shoot at the Med since Mike Nichols,’ the Graduate, 1967.
Photo by Ted Friedman.

Claiming to be filming for Kohl’s department stores, a 15-man film/production crew, two film trucks, two big video cams, and aspiring actors took over the Caffe Med last week.
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There’s Gold to be Mined in People’s Park Unless a Bomb Blasts

Posted in People's Park, The Berkeley Scene on October 13th, 2015 by admin – Be the first to comment

by Steed Dropout
Oct. 13, 2015

Gold in them thar hills. Photo by Ted Friedman.

Dave said he metal-detected People’s Park monthly. He long ago recouped the money he spent on his metal detector, roughly $800.

Reporter commented this isn’t the most lucrative patch in Berkeley. “You’d be surprised,” said Dave. Park people panhandle a bonanza in change, but it falls out of their pockets and becomes buried,” he told me.

Dave said he earns $80 a month detecting.

Once Dave found a rare-cut diamond/ring that was worth thousands. He gave it to his girlfriend.
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Kiss the Blood from My Meat!

Posted in Telegraph Avenue, The Berkeley Scene on October 8th, 2015 by admin – Be the first to comment

Bloody Meat Burger on Telegraph Was to Die For;
Now Is Itself Dead Because Wimp-Ass Diners
Winced at the Oozing Blood

by Steed Dropout
Oct. 8, 2015

What's left of a bloodless meal. Photo by Ted Friedman.


A Roar From A Telegraph Ave. Character We Call ‘Rare’.

Berkeley Reporter had been sampling Telegraph Avenue burgers
for an article, when wimp-ass diners who winced at its oozing blood—
killed off the sweetest burger this side of Steak ’n Shake.*

The Melt burger was too good to be true, so it had to die.
Continue reading “Kiss the Blood from My Meat!” »