50 Years After Student Revolt, Cal Students Shift to Consent
Posted in The Berkeley Scene, The Global Scene Through Berkeleyan Eyes on September 29th, 2014 by admin – Be the first to commentby Steed Dropout
Sept. 29, 2014
The standards for consensual college sex have tightened, according to media accounts of Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing a stricter date-rape law, recently. Under the new regulations, both sex-partners will have to continue to verbalize consent throughout the sex act.
Dorms across the state will ring out with, “I consent. I still consent. (groaning) I’m consenting.”
It remains to be seen whether such scenes of fevered consent can be articulated in an orderly way. A dialogue director might be required to pace the consents so that consenters don’t step on each others’ consents.
“Honey, I consent. I’m Still consenting. Still consenting here.” The two competing blurts could meet in the night, bouncing off each other.
It may only be a matter of time before civil libertarians complain that big government has invaded their bed-rooms.
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