50 Years After Student Revolt, Cal Students Shift to Consent
by Steed Dropout
Sept. 29, 2014
The standards for consensual college sex have tightened, according to media accounts of Gov. Jerry Brown’s signing a stricter date-rape law, recently. Under the new regulations, both sex-partners will have to continue to verbalize consent throughout the sex act.
Dorms across the state will ring out with, “I consent. I still consent. (groaning) I’m consenting.”
It remains to be seen whether such scenes of fevered consent can be articulated in an orderly way. A dialogue director might be required to pace the consents so that consenters don’t step on each others’ consents.
“Honey, I consent. I’m Still consenting. Still consenting here.” The two competing blurts could meet in the night, bouncing off each other.
It may only be a matter of time before civil libertarians complain that big government has invaded their bed-rooms.
“People should have charge of their own sexual fantasies,” said Berkeley’s, Jefferson Fuck Poland, 73, co-founder of the Sexual Freedom League.
“What next, they choose your sex position?” Dr. Eugene Schonefeld, ‘Dr. Hip’.”
“I can see this I-consent-fantasy building an audience. After all, at one time, “good night sweetheart was a new idea. I can see I consent turning into a sex-cult with I consent followers…maybe a book and a film.”–Roz Gordon, 83, early Bay Area sex-educator.
“Before I step down at Justice, I want to comment on California’s tough new date-rape law. While we strongly approve of the restrictive nature of the law, we wonder whether it will stand up in court.”–Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney General
“Giving consent in the context of sexual pleasure is like walking a drunk test line under the influence.”–Dr. Ruth
“What many of our Cal clients desperately want is a sex partner. Our I consent clinics are standing room only. We’ve brought together many students with mutual interest–and they leave our clinic with dates, and with training in how to comply with the I consent standards.”–unnamed Cal sex-educator
As California’s I-consent-program, launches–other states are watching. A state legislator from Nevada, said he was investigating other areas of human conduct for which consent might be required. And in San Francisco crossing Market at Geary in San Francisco may soon require consent.
Berkeley Reporter consents.