Berkeley Telegraph Ave Crime-in-Progress
by Steed Dropout
Apr. 15, 2014
If you want to catch crooks and fight crime, you head for the Med.
That’s Telegraph’s Caffe Mediterraneum to you; to me its a crime lab.
Tom came to the stairs, where he called out to me, “someone’s ranting and raving.” Here at the Med you can’t tell the rants from the raves.
Med owner, Craig Becker, rushed to the microwave behind the kitchen counter to head off trouble. He told the customer, who had asked to use the Microwave, that he could buy something and have it microwaved or buy something down the street and they’d let him microwave it.
The surly customer replied, “do you know who you’re talking to?”
“It doesn’t matter [whom I’m talking to],” said the owner. “All that matters is that you can’t use the microwave. It’s not a public microwave.”
When Becker, left the kitchen, he exchanged more words with Microwave Man. Becker couldn’t remember the words, but a by-stander heard, he told me: “I should knock you on your ass.”
Becker: “Why don’t you? [knock me on my ass]” Becker told me later that his last Med-fight was in September. A wrestler in college, Becker calls himself an instinctive fighter, able to direct a blow on the mark when necessary. In two years Becker’s fight record is 7-0 with one draw, which Becker claims as a win.
After a face-off with Becker, Microwave Man, stepped to the nearby counter and swung at Kahuku, duty barista. Kahuku dodged the punch. From the end of the counter, I saw the sloppy punch and the artful dodge.
When Microwave left, Becker pursued him on Telegraph Avenue. I tagged along. “How often have you tracked down Med perps? I asked. Adding “perp-by-perp, the Med rids Telegraph of crime.”
“I’ve gone after them before,” Craig said. “How often? I asked. “At least four others,” Craig said. “I can’t afford to not deal with these problems.”
The suspect seemed to disappear, but turned up later in People’s Park, where Tom and I tracked him down and I shot him again. I followed him, shooting, as he walked down Dwight and, surprisingly walked by the Med–scene of the alleged crime.
Having been tipped on the ave by Craig and me, Berkeley Cop, S. Lee, on a bicycle stopped Microwave in front of the Med. She called for back-up. “That’s just policy,” said the diminutive young officer.
The suspect was cuffed, interviewed, and given a ride to the station-house jail. He did not resist.
At the table where officer Lee, with Becker, prepared her crime report: “I never get to see a crime report, much less watch one in progress,” I enthused. Officer Lee had Craig tell and retell his story and asked him to correct mistakes.
Lee promised Becker he’d get a stay-away order against the suspect to ensure the Med’s microwave remains private property and its customers can return to ranting and raving.
These views do not represent those of publications in which my work appears.