Pitching the Chronicle
Postage Stamp Beat:
a four-corner grid at Berkeley’s Telegraph@Haste that ties the avenue together like Liebowski’s rug.
Who cares what happens on Telegraph? I hear that all the time, often from editors. Telegraph’s “4th Block” has been down so long it looks like up to us southsiders. Up is on the up, with new growth at Tele/Haste.
My view, since ’72, is from the Caffe Mediterraneum’s Dustin Hoffman table, where Hoffman looks across the street to Moe’s Books in the Graduate
The Caffe Mediterraneum is for distress sale, but you can’t buy its sixty years of lattes and riots. A recent cop tear-gassing brought tears of nostalgia.
I’ll have in-off-the-road stories about Kerouac’s kids on the avenue and bloody tales from People’s Park. If Amoeba is approved as a pot stop, our high hopes stay high.
The caffe Med cliques of the 70s and 80s may be gone, but there’s still a large latte of die-hard Medheads who muddle on, ever seeking talk that matters, but losing out to small-think.
Future columns: Waiting for Cody’s (books); Parts 1-4: Funky; Berzerk; Quirky, Eccentric.